- Scott Almes
- Kerri Aitken
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 10+
- EN
- FR
- NL
- 40
- 3760146647084
- Matagot
- Boomerang
- 2020-03-20
- 127 x 177 x 37 mm
- 0.290 kg
- 12.0
- 29.00 x 22.00 x 20.50 cm
- CN
- Draft
- Roll & Write
- Travel and hobbies
- Geography
- 4 False
- 28 Location Cards
- 200 130x80mm
- 95049080
- David Harding, Scott Almes
- Kerri Aitken
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 10+
- EN
- 30-40 min.
- Grail Games
- Boomerang
- 2021-12-20 00:00:00
- 0.016 kg
- 1000.0
- CN
- Travel
- 6 Location Cards
- 95049080
- Scott Almes
- Kerri Aitken
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 8+
- EN
- FR
- 30'
- 3760146647084
- Grail Games
- Boomerang
- 2021-02-24
- 177 x 126 x 37 mm
- 0.290 kg
- 12.0
- CN
- NO
- Draft
- Roll & Write
- Travel and hobbies
- Geography
- 4 False
- 28 Location Cards
- 200 130x80mm
- 95049080
- Franz-Benno Delonge, Phil WALKER-HARDING
- Beth Sobel
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 8+
- EN
- FR
- 30-45 min.
- 645249696777
- Grail Games
- Fjords
- 2022-04-29 00:00:00
- 210 x 270 x 63 mm
- 0.916 kg
- 6.0
- CN
- 2022, July 25th
- Area Majority / Influence
- chaining
- Nature & Animals
- City Building
- Vikings
- 1 livret de règles
- 67 tuiles hexagones
- 80 meeples viking en vois et en 4 couleurs
- 16 longhouses en bois et en 4 couleurs
- 28 ruines en carton
- 95049080
- 0 min.
- Grail Games
- Hibachi
- 2021-10-31
- 40 x 40 x 40 mm
- 0.012 kg
- 200.0
- 30.00 x 40.00 x 30.00 cm
- CN
- NO
- Marco Teubner
- Kerri Aitken
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 10+
- EN
- FR
- 45 min.
- 645249696760
- Grail Games
- Hibachi
- 2021-10-22
- 180 x 125 x 40 mm
- 0.400 kg
- 10.0
- 21.50 x 27.50 x 20.00 cm
- CN
- auction
- dexterity
- cooking
- 95049080
- Vincent Dutrait
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 10+
- EN
- FR
- 30 min.
- 614019975640
- Grail Games
- King's Road
- 2019-11-29
- 250 x 250 x 50 mm
- 1.100 kg
- 6.0
- 34.60 x 28.00 x 28.40 cm
- CN
- NO
- Hayashi Hisashi
- Francisco Coda
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 8+
- EN
- FR
- 20 min.
- 3760146643284
- Grail Games
- Level Ten (Okey Dokey)
- 120 x 95 x 30 mm
- 0.165 kg
- 20.0
- 18.50 x 41.50 x 17.00 cm
- Co-op
- Solo
- communication limits
- video game
- music
- 1 livret de règles
- 40 cartes monde
- 3 cartes égal
- 10 cartes reset
- 95049080
- Jan M Gonzalez
- Heiko Günther
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 30 min.
- 3760372232757
- Grail Games
- The Manhattan Project
- 2024-04-19
- 270 x 210 x 63 mm
- 1.630 kg
- 6.0
- 23.00 x 41.50 x 29.00 cm
- 2024, April 19th
- Dice Rolling
- Worker Placement
- War
- Industry
- 1 False
- 4 False
- 12 Achievement cards
- 21 Resource Cubes
- 12 Nation cards
- 60 Structure cards
- 20 Custom dice
- 30 Pollution tokens
- 24 Upgrade tiles
- David Harding
- TJ Lubrano
- 2
- 10+
- EN
- FR
- 20 min.
- 3760372232641
- Grail Games
- Matcha
- 2023-10-31
- 95 x 120 x 30 mm
- 0.180 kg
- 20.0
- 18.50 x 41.50 x 16.00 cm
- Bluff
- collection
- japan
- 1 livret de règles
- 18 cartes cérémonie du thé
- 8 cartes tatami
- 35 jetons en bois utensile
- Klemens FRANZ
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 90 min.
- 3760146642829
- Grail Games
- Orleans
- 317 x 226 x 73 mm
- 1.280 kg
- 5.0
- 24.50 x 38.50 x 34.00 cm
- CN
- in April 2025
- Variable Player Powers
- Deck Building
- Worker Placement
- Religion
- medieval
- Travel
- 95049080
- Ed Marriott
- Vincent Dutrait
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 6
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 90 min.
- 3760372234331
- Grail Games
- Scoville
- 6.0
- 2025, May 9th
- auction
- grid movement
- Set Collection
- farming
- cooking
- Food
- 95049080
- Scott Almes
- Kerri Aitken
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 14+
- EN
- FR
- 60-90 min.
- 3760146646766
- Grail Games
- Silicon Valley
- 2022-03-31
- 70 x 295 x 295 mm
- 2.062 kg
- 4.0
- 31.50 x 32.00 x 31.50 cm
- Tile Placement
- variable setup
- automatic resource growth
- Scott Almes
- Kerri Aitken
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 12+
- EN
- FR
- 60-90 min.
- 3760146641105
- Grail Games
- Silicon Valley
- 2023-03-31
- 0.085 kg
- 200.0
- 21.00 x 21.00 x 24.00 cm
- 95049080
- Scott Almes
- Kerri Aitken
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 12+
- EN
- FR
- 60-90 min.
- 3760146640719
- Grail Games
- Silicon Valley
- 2023-03-31
- 0.100 kg
- 100.0
- 16.00 x 60.00 x 38.00 cm
- 95049080
- Brett J. Gilbert, Matthew Dunstan
- Kerri Aitken
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 10+
- EN
- FR
- 30-45 min.
- 645249696791
- Grail Games
- Botanic Garden
- 2022-04-30
- 295 x 295 x 40 mm
- 1.916 kg
- 6.0
- CN
- in September 2023
- 96 Garden cards (in 3 decks of 32 cards, labelled A, B & C)
- 1 Scoreboard
- 16 Double-sided player mats
- 16 Visitors
- 4 Central boards
- 1 Start player token
- 2 Rulebooks (EN + FR)
- 7 Scoring tiles
- 12 Landmark cards
- 95049080