- Kevin Riley
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760372231026
- Matagot
- Aeon's End
- 2023-08-31
- 0.200 kg
- 0.0
- Deck Building
- hand management
- Fantasy
- 95049080
Découvrez notre offre de jeux d'Experts édités par MATAGOT.
Les jeux de société Experts ne laissent pas de place au hasard ! Les règles sont souvent complexes et s'adressent à des joueurs confirmés. Il faut faire preuve de concentration et de stratégie pour remporter la victoire.
- Jenny Iglesias, Nick Little (I), Kevin Riley
- Gong Studios
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 60
- 3760146643901
- Matagot
- Aeon's End
- 2023-08-11
- 2.860 kg
- 5.0
- 30.00 x 49.00 x 30.00 cm
- Deck Building
- hand management
- Fantasy
- 95049080
- Greg Loring-Albright
- Kyle Ferrin
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 45 min.
- 3760146640450
- Matagot
- Ahoy
- 2024-03-15
- 291 x 226 x 51 mm
- 1.180 kg
- 6.0
- 24.50 x 34.50 x 31.50 cm
- CN
- Area Majority / Influence
- Assymetry
- tile placement
- Fantasy
- 95049080
- Andrew Haught
- Jose David Lanza Cebrian
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 6
- 2
- 4+
- FR
- 30-120 min.
- 9781638842019
- Gale Gale Force Nine
- Aliens
- 2023-11-24
- 20.0
- Co-op
- SciFi
- 95049080
- Andrew Haught
- Jose David Lanza Cebrian, Victor Pesch
- 9
- 5
- 7
- 8
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 6
- 2
- 4+
- FR
- 30-120 min.
- 9781638842071
- Gale Gale Force Nine
- Aliens
- 2023-11-24
- 1.500 kg
- 0.0
- Co-op
- SciFi
- 95049080
- Simon McGregor
- Rob van Zyl
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 40 min.
- 3760372232184
- Matagot
- Ancient Terrible Things
- 2024-02-16
- 210 x 300 x 60 mm
- 1.500 kg
- 6.0
- 24.50 x 41.00 x 33.50 cm
- 2024, January 19th
- Fantasy
- Horror
- 95049080
- Connie Vogelmann
- Kwanchai Moriya
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 5
- 14+
- FR
- 60-90 min.
- 3760372232764
- Matagot
- Apiary
- 2023-12-29
- 296 x 296 x 70 mm
- 2.300 kg
- 0.0
- 2024, January 26th
- Worker Placement
- SciFi
- Nature & Animals
- 15 tuiles Planète
- 5 tuiles Danse
- 45 cartes Graine
- 15 pions Joueur
- 35 pions Hibernation
- 25 jetons Fibre
- 25 jetons Pollen
- 25 jetons Eau
- 20 jetons Exploration
- 15 jetons Cire
- 1 plateau (recto-verso)
- 12 jetons Miel
- 9 jetons Danse
- 14 cartes Automa
- 1 plateau Amarrage Automa
- 20 tuiles Faction
- 29 tuiles Innovation
- 30 tuiles Recrue
- 30 tuiles Sculpture
- 40 tuiles Ferme
- 1 figurine Vaisseau de la Reine
- 20 figurines Ouvrier
- 15 cadres
- 5 plateaux Amarrage
- 5 plateaux Ruche
- 1 appendice
- 1 livret de règles Automa
- 1 guide de jeu
- 5 aides de jeu
- 95049080
- Friedemann Friese
- Harald Lieske, Studio Matagot
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 12+
- FR
- 45 min.
- 3760372232856
- Matagot
- Black Friday
- 2024-02-09
- 275 x 190 x 70 mm
- 0.870 kg
- 6.0
- 20.00 x 42.50 x 29.00 cm
- 2024, February 9th
- simulation
- Professions
- 95049080
- Daryl Andrews, Erica Bouyouris
- Kwanchai Moriya
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 14+
- EN
- FR
- NL
- 45'
- 3760146646964
- Matagot
- Bosk
- 2020-01-01 00:00:00
- 224 x 295 x 70 mm
- 1.440 kg
- 6.0
- 31.50 x 45.00 x 24.50 cm
- CN
- NO
- Michael Kiesling
- Lukas Siegmon
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 60 min.
- 3760372234607
- Matagot
- Intarsia
- 2024-11-22
- 1.785 kg
- 6.0
- CN
- 2024, November 22nd
- Gestion de main de cartes
- Tile Placement
- Contracts
- culture
- 95049080
- Orlando Sá
- Mihajlo Dimitrievski
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 50 min.
- 3760146640092
- Matagot
- Celtae
- 2024-06-07
- 295 x 295 x 70 mm
- 1.660 kg
- 6.0
- 31.50 x 46.00 x 31.50 cm
- 2024, June 7th
- Area Majority / Influence
- Hand Management
- Ancient
- City Building
- 95049080
- Thomas Lehmann
- Maxime Erceau
- Maxime Erceau
- Ryan Ferriera
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 45 min.
- 3760372234027
- Matagot
- Chu Han
- 2025-02-14
- 205 x 205 x 58 mm
- 0.616 kg
- 6.0
- 24.50 x 38.00 x 23.50 cm
- CN
- 2025, March 14th
- History
- 95049080
- Asger Johansen
- Snorre Krogh
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 12+
- EN
- FR
- 15'
- 3760146647077
- Matagot
- Combo Fighter
- 2020-05-22
- 127 x 177 x 37 mm
- 0.940 kg
- 10.0
- 38.50 x 24.50 x 34.00 cm
- CN
- NO
- Eilif Svensson, Vegard Eliassen Stillerud, Åsmund Svensson
- Yan Moussu
- Yan Moussu
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 6
- 2
- 14+
- EN
- FR
- 60-90 min.
- 3760372231385
- Matagot
- Come Together
- 2023-09-22
- 295 x 295 x 65 mm
- 1.672 kg
- 6.0
- 31.50 x 43.00 x 31.50 cm
- Draft
- Contracts
- Worker Placement
- music
- 95049080
- Miguel COIMBRA
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 14+
- EN
- FR
- NL
- 60 min.
- Matagot
- Cyclades
- 2009-10-30 00:00:00
- 396 x 276 x 79 mm
- 2.030 kg
- 4.0
- 34.00 x 29.00 x 41.00 cm
- CN
- NO
- Area Majority / Influence
- Dice Rolling
- Area Movement
- auction
- Mythology
- Civilization
- Ancient
- City Building
- 2 dés spéciaux
- 10 pions offrande
- 80 figurines
- 52 cartes
- 10 métropoles
- 40 tuiles bâtiment
- 4 grandes tuiles Dieux
- 31 marqueurs
- 100 pièces d'or
- 1 plateau de jeu modulable
- 5 paravents
- 1 livret de règles
- 95049080
- Miguel COIMBRA
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 12+
- GR
- RO
- EN
- FR
- ES
- 90
- 3760146644304
- Matagot
- Cyclades
- 2011-12-05
- 340 x 234 x 50 mm
- 0.640 kg
- 6.0
- 35.00 x 36.00 x 36.50 cm
- CN
- NO
- Area Movement
- Mythology
- Ancient
- Benjamin Schwer
- Dennis Lohausen
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 12+
- FR
- 60 min.
- 3760372233228
- Matagot
- Djinn
- 2024-05-24
- 314 x 227 x 76 mm
- 1.822 kg
- 6.0
- 46.50 x 24.50 x 33.50 cm
- 2024, May 24th
- grid movement
- collection
- Plateau modulaire
- Fantasy
- 95049080
- 0 min.
- 6430018279077
- Lautapelit
- Eclipse
- 2020-12-31
- 2.000 kg
- 10.0
- 47.00 x 95.00 x 21.00 cm
- Area Majority / Influence
- Alliances
- SciFi
- Stan Kordonsky
- The Mico
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 12+
- FR
- 50-90 min.
- 3760146643383
- Matagot
- Endless Winter
- 2023-08-31
- 293 x 173 x 60 mm
- 0.624 kg
- 6.0
- CN
- Area Majority / Influence
- Deck Building
- Worker Placement
- adventure
- prehistoric
- 95049080
- Stan Kordonsky
- The Mico
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 12+
- FR
- 50-90 min.
- 3760146643390
- Matagot
- Endless Winter
- 2023-08-31
- 172 x 170 x 60 mm
- 0.459 kg
- 12.0
- CN
- Area Majority / Influence
- Deck Building
- Worker Placement
- adventure
- prehistoric
- 95049080
- Kevin Wilson
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 40 min.
- 3760372232665
- Matagot
- Escape From New York
- 2024-06-14
- 295 x 295 x 70 mm
- 2.150 kg
- 6.0
- 31.50 x 45.50 x 32.50 cm
- CN
- Bluff
- Tile Placement
- semi-cooperative
- adventure
- 95049080
- Stefano Di Silvio
- Martin Mottet
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 60 min.
- 3760372232924
- Matagot
- Evenfall
- 2024-05-31
- 300 x 300 x 70 mm
- 1.770 kg
- 6.0
- 32.50 x 46.50 x 33.50 cm
- 2024, May 31st
- Hand Management
- Worker Placement
- chaining
- Fantasy
- Nature & Animals
- 95049080
- 4
- 2
- 3
- 14+
- EN
- FR
- 60
- 3760146652462
- Maple Games
- Expedition North West passage HMS TERROR Edition
- 2024-03-22
- 295 x 295 x 90 mm
- 2.304 kg
- 5.0
- 31.50 x 49.00 x 31.50 cm
- Area Movement
- Tile Placement
- exploration
- 95049080
- Yves Tourigny
- Stéphane POINSOT, Yves Tourigny
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 14+
- DE
- NL
- FR
- EN
- 50'
- 3760146641631
- Matagot
- Expedition: Northwest Passage
- 2013-09-06
- 6.0
- NO
- in October 2023
- 95049080
- Jamey Stegmaier
- Jakub Rozalski
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 6
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 90 min.
- 3760372233457
- Matagot
- Expeditions
- 2024-11-01
- 175 x 175 x 75 mm
- 0.674 kg
- 12.0
- 36.60 x 48.50 x 20.00 cm
- 2024, October 25th
- Deck Building
- grid movement
- action retrieval
- adventure
- exploration
- 95049080
- Jamey Stegmaier
- Jakub Rozalski
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 6
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 90 min.
- 3760372233440
- Matagot
- Expeditions
- 2024-11-01
- 175 x 175 x 75 mm
- 0.822 kg
- 12.0
- 36.60 x 48.50 x 20.00 cm
- 2024, October 25th
- Deck Building
- grid movement
- action retrieval
- adventure
- exploration
- 95049080
- Geoffrey Wood
- Jiahui Eva Gao
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 45-60 min.
- 3760372231422
- Matagot
- Explorers of the Woodlands
- 2023-08-31
- 220 x 220 x 60 mm
- 0.980 kg
- 6.0
- 24.00 x 36.00 x 24.00 cm
- in January 2025
- Dice Rolling
- Fantasy
- Nature & Animals
- James A. Wilson, Clarissa A. Wilson
- Jacqui Davis
- 0
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760146640047
- Matagot
- Farshore
- 2024-01-19
- 297 x 297 x 70 mm
- 1.700 kg
- 6.0
- 32.50 x 46.00 x 33.50 cm
- Hand Management
- Worker Placement
- collection
- City Building
- sea
- 1 livret de règles
- 30 champignons en plastique
- 30 pierres marines en plastique
- 30 algues en plastique
- 30 bois flottés en bois
- 60 coquillages en plastique
- 4 navires en plastique
- 12 jetons Ancre en métal
- 58 jetons Trésor
- 8 tuiles Rose des ventes
- 10 tuiles Île
- 24 tuiles Carte
- 155 cartes
- 24 Créatures en bois
- 1 phare
- 1 plateau de jeu
- 95049080
- 7
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 6
- 2
- 5
- 14+
- EN
- 45-90 min.
- 8606111636163
- Forest of Radgost
- 2022-11-30
- 4.311 kg
- Co-op
- Deck Building
- Mythology
- adventure
- exploration
- 7
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 6
- 2
- 5
- 14+
- CZ
- 45-90 min.
- 8606111636200
- Forest of Radgost
- 4.311 kg
- Co-op
- Deck Building
- Mythology
- adventure
- exploration
- Christian Martinez
- Tano Bonfanti
- 4
- 2
- 3
- 14+
- FR
- 90 min.
- 3760372230470
- Matagot
- Galatic Renaissance
- 2023-10-31
- 362 x 298 x 98 mm
- 3.144 kg
- 4.0
- 38.50 x 43.50 x 32.00 cm
- CN
- 2024, October 11th
- Area Majority / Influence
- SciFi
- adventure
- 1 Rulebook
- 12 Player aid cards
- 4 Starting Emissaries cards
- 28 Core team cards (7 per player)
- 16 Objective cards
- 31 Specialist cards
- 4 Victory point markers
- 1 Portal selector
- 6 Disorder markers
- 36 Portal tokens
- 18 Planet tiles
- 18 Planet boards
- 20 Stability boards
- 4 Player Stability boards
- 1 New Galactic Senate board
- 4 Player boards
- 7 Foundation minis
- 20 Institute minis
- 48 Emissary minis
- 95049080
- Antonio Sousa Lara
- Miguel Coimbra
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 30 min.
- 3760372232832
- Matagot
- Gods Of Rome
- 2024-07-19
- 1.400 kg
- 6.0
- 31.50 x 47.00 x 31.50 cm
- 2024, July 19th
- Contrôle de zone
- action drafting
- Mythology
- War
- Ancient
- 95049080
- 0
- FR
- 0 min.
- 3760372232603
- Matagot
- Gold West
- 2024-03-08
- 315 x 315 x 60 mm
- 1.550 kg
- 0.0
- 2024, March 8th
- Area Majority / Influence
- collection
- Plateau modulaire
- City Building
- American West
- 95049080
- Andreas Müller, Markus Müller (II), Raphael Stocker
- Satoshi Matsuura
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 20-40 min.
- 3760146642874
- Matagot
- Hidden Leaders
- 2022-03-25
- 225 x 160 x 50 mm
- 0.460 kg
- 10.0
- 29.00 x 34.80 x 26.20 cm
- CN
- in January 2025
- Multiple Usage Cards
- Treasons
- medieval
- 1 livret de règles
- 1 plateau
- 6 cartes leader
- 73 cartes héros
- 8 résumés
- 2 marqueurs cartes de support
- 95049080
- Cardboard
- Paper
- Rüdiger DORN
- Hans-Georg Schneider
- Andreas Resch
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 40-90
- 3760146647640
- Matagot
- Istanbul
- 2020-08-14
- 295 x 295 x 85 mm
- 2.290 kg
- 4
- 38.00 x 33.50 x 3.50 cm
- CN
- NO
- Jacques Bariot, Guillaume Montiage
- Dimitri Bielak, Emile Denis, Pascal Quidault, Pierre Santamaria
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 14+
- 60-120 min.
- 3760146648746
- Matagot
- Kemet
- 2021-03-09
- 103 x 105 x 600 mm
- 0.064 kg
- 45.0
- 30.00 x 40.50 x 33.50 cm
- CN
- Contrôle de zone
- Action Points
- tech trees
- Mythology
- War
- 95049080
- Jacques Bariot, Guillaume Montiage
- Dimitri Bielak, Emile Denis, Pascal Quidault, Pierre Santamaria
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 14+
- 60 min.
- 3760146648241
- Matagot
- Kemet
- 2021-03-09
- 685 x 1020 x 5 mm
- 1.100 kg
- 20.0
- 71.50 x 10.50 x 6.50 cm
- CN
- in March 2025
- 40169957
- Jacques Bariot, Guillaume Montiage
- Dimitri Bielak, Emile Denis, Nicolas Fructus
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 14+
- RO
- EN
- FR
- NL
- 60
- 3760146644700
- Matagot
- Kemet
- 2015-09-30 00:00:00
- 339 x 232 x 50 mm
- 0.890 kg
- 6.0
- 33.00 x 24.60 x 35.80 cm
- CN
- NO
- Area Majority / Influence
- Area Movement
- Campagne
- Mythology
- War
- 95049080
- Jacques Bariot, Guillaume Montiage
- Dimitri Bielak, Emile Denis, Pascal Quidault, Pierre Santamaria
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 14+
- EN
- 60-120 min.
- 3760146648784
- Matagot
- Kemet
- 2021-09-28
- 0.640 kg
- 10.0
- 33.50 x 44.50 x 24.00 cm
- CN
- Area Majority / Influence
- tech trees
- Mythology
- War
- 95049080
- David J. Mortimer
- Klemens Franz
- 3
- 1
- 2
- 12+
- FR
- 30 min.
- 8437022321905
- La Guerre des 3 Sanchos
- 6.0
- Area Movement
- Dices
- Campagne
- War
- medieval
- 95049080
- Erwann Ricord
- Anthony Questel
- Ronan Toulhoat
- 2
- 10+
- EN
- FR
- 0-10 min.
- 9782355746826
- Matagot
- Micro Game
- 2024-03-01
- 170 x 118 x 6 mm
- 0.054 kg
- 100.0
- 24.50 x 40.50 x 16.00 cm
- 2024, March 1st
- Elimination
- Gestion de main de cartes
- Mémoire
- medieval
- History
- 95049080
- Jan M Gonzalez
- Heiko Günther
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 14+
- FR
- 30 min.
- 3760372232757
- Grail Games
- The Manhattan Project
- 2024-04-19
- 270 x 210 x 63 mm
- 1.630 kg
- 6.0
- 23.00 x 41.50 x 29.00 cm
- 2024, April 19th
- Dice Rolling
- Worker Placement
- War
- Industry
- 1 False
- 4 False
- 12 Achievement cards
- 21 Resource Cubes
- 12 Nation cards
- 60 Structure cards
- 20 Custom dice
- 30 Pollution tokens
- 24 Upgrade tiles
- Roberta Taylor
- Shawna J.C. Tenney
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 8+
- FR
- 45-75 min.
- 3760372231576
- Matagot
- Maple Valley
- 2023-09-29
- 215 x 295 x 62 mm
- 1.400 kg
- 0.0
- 2023, December 15th
- Hand Management
- collection
- Nature & Animals
- 0 False
- 95049080
- Danny Devine, Jason Tagmire, Steven Aramini
- Danny Devine
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 8+
- FR
- 15
- 3760372230975
- Matagot
- Button Shy
- 2023-05-05
- 105 x 75 x 3 mm
- 0.044 kg
- 100.0
- 18.50 x 41.50 x 16.00 cm
- 2023, December 1st
- Co-op
- Tile Placement
- layering
- City Building
- co-op
- solo
- 95049080
- Costa, Rôla
- Chema Román, Pedro Soto
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 10+
- FR
- 30-60 min.
- 3760372231569
- Matagot
- Moesteiro
- 2023-07-03
- 295 x 295 x 70 mm
- 1.366 kg
- 6.0
- 31.50 x 46.00 x 31.50 cm
- Variable Player Powers
- Dice Rolling
- Worker Placement
- City Building
- medieval
- 95049080
- André Santos, Orlando Sá
- Tiago Lobo Pimentel
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 8+
- FR
- NL
- 30 min.
- 3760372233587
- Matagot
- Neotopia
- 2024-05-03
- 277 x 275 x 60 mm
- 1.542 kg
- 6.0
- 30.20 x 38.60 x 30.20 cm
- Action Points
- Hand Management
- Tile Placement
- City Building
- 95049080